Unrivaled expertise and full install capabilities.
Shard Place is a £3.5 billion redevelopment of the estate next to London Bridge station, known as Shard Quarter. When completed, Shard Place will provide a range of flats alongside amenities including a cinema, spa, and private roof garden. The building appears to ‘float’ nine metres above ground providing 13,000 sq ft of public space and 12,000 sq ft of retail space.
Getjar and Dura Composites partner on riser installation.
Reinforced concrete frame and groundwork specialists Getjar were appointed as the formwork contractor by the principal contractor Mace and chose Dura Composites’ Riser Install team to take on some of the complex install challenges of the service risers. Prior to the appointment of Dura Composites, Getjar had been installing GRP into a number of voids, but selected Dura to provide specialist installation support to address the service cut outs required for the M&E phase of construction.
Complex triangular risers were achieved with d² Dura Riser system.
Dura’s unrivalled expertise and full install capabilities meant they could deliver a bespoke solution for a large triangular shaped riser on all 26 storeys that required the use of galvanized steel supports and bracketing in conjunction with GRP Dura Grating to allow for cutouts to be performed whilst maintaining the integrity of the riser.