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    Dormer Renovation, Sheffield, UK

    Aluminium & WPC Cladding

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    Project Overview

    In this project, client Complete Blasting Services wanted to inject a modern look and feel to their traditional dormer build by adding a combination of composite timber Dura Cladding Flush Resist and Dura Cladding Aluminium. Chosen for their flexibility and ease of installation, the two flush fitting products complement one another beautifully and provide a unique contemporary styling element to the property.

    Fire safe cladding for residential projects.

    Dormers are roofed structures that project vertically beyond the plane of a pitched roof to add light, space and height. They have been a popular feature in English architecture for many years, dating back as early as the 16th Century.

    The central section of the dormer features three windows and uses Dura Cladding Flush Resist in Alaskan Cedar installed in a vertical direction with matching aluminium cedar trims. With an attractive woodgrain appearance and in-built durability, Dura Cladding Flush Resist is made from a hard-wearing eco-friendly mix of recycled timber and polymers.

    A unique 360° outer armour protects the core of the cladding plank from the elements to help prevent fade. The vertical installation is made possible by the clever plank design and provides a modern look that will stand the test of time. To contrast with the natural look of the Alaskan Cedar, the client chose Flush Aluminium Cladding in Anthracite colour to clad the sides and edges of the dormer. Strong and tough, Dura Cladding Aluminium is made from high grade T6 aluminium and is ideal for any application that requires an A2 Fire Rating.

    The innovative design means boards fit together with no overlap in a lightweight profile that’s easy to work with. Both products require little to no maintenance over their lifetime, so Mr McGovan of Complete Blasting Services can spend time enjoying the property rather than keeping up with endless façade maintenance.

    The harmonious finish we have achieved using the two complementary Dura Cladding products shows how attractive and contemporary Dormers can actually look. The matt metallic finish of the Dura Cladding Aluminium is cleverly softened by the wood-effect Dura Cladding Resist to produce a stunning finish which we are absolutely delighted with. The Dura Composites team were so easy to work with and gave us the fast turnaround we needed on this project, with everything from quotes to delivery. If you’re looking for quality cladding, Dura is the place to go.

    Mr McGovan

    Complete Blasting Services

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